Welcome to Access Point!

Peer-Led & Delivered,
Movement & Principle-Centered

We’re really glad you’re here. C’mon in and learn more about who we are, what we do, and how we do it.

Access Point of Georgia is a 501c3 nonprofit headquartered in Athens, Georgia. Access Point was created with the intention of serving some of Northeast Georgia’s most vulnerable populations. People who use drugs are so often stigmatized, which makes things like access to clean injection equipment, access to healthcare, housing, and finding recovery and mental health resources almost impossible.

We provide compassionate care to people who use drugs and work together with them to promote safety and reduce health risks associated with drug use.

Our Philosophy:

We believe in the dignity of all people. Therefore, we strive to support and empower individuals who use drugs to stay alive and live their own best lives. We choose to serve and support individuals on their journey with substance use at any and every stage. We accept the realities of drug use and stand alongside the individual who uses drugs as they choose what is best for them.

Our Values:

Our values include service, compassion, and empathy. Through Harm Reduction framework, we employ principles that reduce various harms that often accompany substance use. We seek to provide a safe space for people using substances by ensuring safer modes of use, peer support, and referral of services. We believe in initiatives integrating harm reduction into standard medical treatment and increasing access to harm reduction interventions. At Access Point, we believe that people have an inherent right to services that support health, and we strive to meet that right.

Harm Reduction Saves Lives sticker displayed at Access Point of Georgia's service center.